Sarkis Yoghourtdjian

Mr Sarkis Yoghourtdjian recently retired from the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in Washington, DC after spending 32 years as an Advisor and an Assistant Director for banking supervision and regulation. 
Mr. Yoghourtdjian started his career with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in 1984 where he held several positions and was a senior Commissioned Bank Examiner responsible for the assessment of safety and soundness of banks and bank holding companies.  He joined the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in late 1989 and served in various capacities in Banking Supervision and Regulation before his official appointment as Advisor in January of 2006. 
In addition to his official responsibilities at the Federal Reserve Board, Mr. Yoghourtdjian served as an Advisor to the IMF and a Consultant to the World Bank by taking part in technical assistance and advisory missions to a wide-range of economies around the world.  Mr. Yoghourtdjian also served as Advisor to the Bank for International Settlements’ (BIS) Financial Stability Institute during its formative years.  He was the Co-Chairman of the Advisory Group of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Financial Regulators’ Initiative as well as Chairman of the Consultative Group of the Middle East and North Africa Financial Regulators’ Initiative which is part of the U.S. Government’s Middle East Partnership Initiative.  Finally, he was a member of the Board of the Toronto Leadership Center’s Banking Advisory Board. 
Mr. Yoghourtdjian worked at Bank One in Wisconsin prior to joining the Federal Reserve.  He has taught at Gateway College in Wisconsin and lectured at many other universities.  Mr. Yoghourtdjian is the recipient of the University of Wisconsin’s “Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award” as well as the recipient of the Federal Reserve Board’s “Special Achievement Award”, which is the highest honor bestowed by the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board.

On the occasion of the 21st Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Armenia, on September 17, 2012, the President of the Republic of the Armenia issued a decree bestowing upon Sarkis Yoghourtdjian the highest medal of honor for his notable services in the establishment and modernization of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia.

At its annual gathering in Beirut on November 16, 2012, the Union of Arab Banks also extended a high honor to Mr. Yoghourtdjian.  He is the first non-Arab to be conferred such an honor.

Mr. Yoghourtdjian has been a speaker in a number of international seminars and conferences around the world on bank supervisory and regulatory issues.

Mr. Yoghourtdjian is also a Senior Adviser at the Financial Integrity Network (FIN)

Sarkis Yoghourtdjian & Alan Greespan

Sarkis Yoghourtdjian & Ben Bernanke

Sarkis Yoghourtdjian & Janet Yellen

Sarkis Yoghourtdjian & Christine Lagarde

Sarkis Yoghourtdjian & Barney Frank

Sarkis Yoghourtdjian & Andrew Sheng

Sarkis Yoghourtdjian & Frederic Mishkin